- Warming up at the Campus
Cafe (84k): Eric Therkildsen, Joe Derk, Elijah Moreland, and
Brian Tracy warm up in the Campus Cafe and discuss strategy for the
upcoming game.
- Hi, Eric! (79k): Shaun
Covert, Shane Empie, and Joe Derk discuss strategy while Eric
Therkildsen poses for the camera.
- Still warming up at
the Campus Cafe (99k): Tammy
Derk looks up from her book to comment on Eric Therkildsen and Erik
Anderson's conversation, while Elijah Moreland and Brian Tracy prepare
themselves for the upcoming game.
- Me playing
broomball. . . well, sorta. (22k): Everyone went outside for the
warmups for the game, and I couldn't resist grabbing a broom and
playing defense. Whoever I gave the camera to decided to take a few
- Me sorta playing
brrrooomball (27k): Eric
Therkildsen and Joe Derk take the ice, while I start moving toward the
goalie in a menacing fashion.
- PH33R the mukluks! (37k):
Your cameraman, standing on the ice in his stylish, yet practical,
mukluks. Note that with
mukluks you can actually stop on glare ice in a way that you can't
with most other shoes, making them ideal broomball footwear. Just
don't get hit in the foot by the ball flying at full speed.
- Why digital cameras suck at
night (43k): A shot of the Ghetto-IVCF team warming up, and you
can clearly see why digital cameras have "issues" at night.
- Praying before the
game (48k): The team praying before the game begins.
- Reverse angle! (47k):
The same shot as above, but taken from second floor Walker. There was
a group of people practicing some play in the room I wanted to take
the pictures from, so I just stealthily made my way around the room
over to the window.
- The game begins (36k):
This is the "overhead" view of the game, with Wads in the background.
The red glow at the very top center of the picture was the reflection
of my hand covering up the flash (I cropped most of that out.)
- Get ready. . . (26k):
A shot of the goalie and two defensemen waiting for the offensive rush
of the other team.
- The presentation of the
cup (32k): Okay, so we've skipped a bit in time here. :) The
guy in the bright orange pants is Lee the ref. (Once again we see how
crappy digital cameras can be at night.)
- Praying at the end
of the game (25k): The team praying at the end of the game.
words/images/design remix
© echo date("Y"); ?> jpw. (e-mail: feedback at jowilson.org)
original design © echo date("Y"); ?> aq. (e-mail: comments at domesticat.net)
modified/used/exploited with permission.